Exploratory Learning Platform

Explore Performance leverages the captivating experiences of our adventurers and strategic partners during their real-life expeditions to develop engaging and interactive video-based workshops. These workshops can be conveniently delivered to your office or through virtual platforms such as Zoom, ensuring a safe and immersive learning environment.

Self-led e-learning experiences

The skills you need at the pace that suits you

Our new range of e-learning experiences put you in the centre of the expedition, making the decisions that could lead to success or failure. Accompany Grant ‘Axe’ Rawlinson on real-life adventures, solving problems through psychological and emotional reasoning.

Reinforcing wider skills learnt throughout Explore Performance’s educational portfolio, these modules dive deeper into specific skillsets neccesary to navigate todays workplace demands. Each journey is self-paced and takes between 14 to 25 minutes.


Key topics include:


Cognitive Diversity

Exploratory Thinking

Psychological Safety

Critical Thinking

Team Development